
LED resistance calculator

Calculate LED resistance and how to connect them


Solenoid knocker

The image above shows the solenoid module I mentioned in the class, you can buy it from here

Demonstration of solenoid


Theremin Kit


Electronics parts vendor

This store sells electronics parts, mechanical parts and sensors. Usually deliver within 3 days.


Resources for your final project

Tech links
Sound Activated relay (Sound VOX), [Kit 126 pdf]
Digital Counter, [Kit 1 pdf]
Music volume meter/ VU meter [Kit 89 pdf]
Rain detector [link]
Sound recording + playback chip [link pdf]
ArduinoBoardLilyPad [link purchasing]
Conductive thread (for electronics fashion project) [link]
Generating words/pattern in CRT monitor using Arduino [link]
Transistor as relay [link ]
製冷片 ([新昌], 地點 : (C)鴨寮街246號舖, 適用貨品 : 二手電腦配件, 各類電腦插頭, 少量電容及磁環等.)

Art work links
Digital mirror (Danny Rozin [link], Jim Campbell [link])


Week 9 (2009/03/10, 14)

Implementation of new schedule!
Tuesday session: 18:30-21:30 @ CIL lab
Sat. session: 10:30-13:30 @ CIL lab
Please bring everything you were asked to buy in the last week.

We are going to finish the relay building and hopefully start the class for arduino.

Reference for relay


Blog submission

Please submit your own blog address through the following link.

Blog submission

Please submit your own blog address through the following link.



Things to bring on week 8 (2009-03-04/06)

Things to bring on week 8 (2009-03-04/06)
We are going to build a relay module to control in the coming week, please prepare the following components.

-13/15A electrical wire (2 yards, around 2m)
-13A socket
-9V battery clip
-9V battery
-Standard junction box with socket plate
-9V relay (Should cost less than $10)
-General purpose circuit board
-Push button/switch


Week 6 (2009/02/18, 20) recap

Week 6 (2009/02/18, 20) recap
Topic covered
- Introduction to soldering
- Transferring circuit from breadboard to PCB (Printed circuit board)

Classwork: Milk box speaker (Remember to show me the final product and make sure I've marked it on the sheet)

Introduction to soldering
Simple view this video (Soldering Tutorial- Make Video Podcast)

Transferring circuit from breadboard to PCB
The PCB we used in the lesson is a general purpose PCB, which could be found here (You can but it in welfare or wohing)
Radioshack (Dual General-purpose PCB)

Week 5 (11/02/2009, 13/02/2009) recap- introduction to electricity

Week 5 recap Introduction to electricity
Topics mentioned in this week
-A.C. and D.C.
-Using multi-meter
-Building circuit on breadboard (LM386 amplifier), base on the schematics here
*Classwork: Building circuit on breadboard, remember to show me the finished circuitry to me and make sure I've marked it on the record.

A.C. and D.C.
Alternate current
As the name suggests, the direction of current flows in this kind of circuit alternate all the times. it is usually indicated by "Hz", you can see it on the information on the fluorescent lamp. In Hong Kong the frequency of A.C. is 50Hz.
The image below shows the direction of current

Direct current
Opposite to direct current, current flow in D.C. are stable, thus there's always a "+" and "-" side for battery. The image below shows how current flow in D.C.

Using multi-meter
Most multi-meter can measure Voltage (A.C. and D.C.), Current (D.C.), Resistance and continuity. Images below shows how these values could be measured using multi-meter. By turning the central knob to the corresponding position, you can do the measurement easily.

Voltage measurement (D.C.)

Voltage measurement (A.C.)

Current (D.C.)


Beware when reading the unit, when there's a "k" or "m" on the corresponding position. The reading on the digital meter should also be read with that unit. For instance, when the knob is turned to 20k for resistance, and the reading is 0.123kΩ which means the resistance of the object/resistor is 123Ω.

Breadboard is used for building prototype of circuit. The structure of a breadboard is illustrated in the image below.

Week 4 (04/02/2009, 06/02/2009) recap - Site visit Ap Liu Street

Week 4 recap- Site visit to Ap Liu Street
We had a site visit to Ap Liu Street to familiarize the place where you can find almost anything you might need for the final project.
The classwork for this week is the site visit worksheet, if you haven't done it/hand it in, drop me an email, else your final grade will be affected.

Ap Liu Street is one of the most popular street for electronics
lover and hobbyist. You can buy high tech expensive
electronics and cheap, hackable and unexpected second
hand things in the same street. Despite of the unorganized
impression, stores are located in different part of the street
depends on their location. In this visit we will be taking a
walk in the street and hopefully buy some interesting stuff
for further hacking.

1.The main street (open air area)
Both side of the main street are filled up with numerous
open air shops, they sells product range from mobile phone
cover to LEDs to toys... a lots of electronics... However it is
not always cheaper to buy things in these shops, and most
likely they don't have some very particular electronics
product for our projects.
2. The inner streets
Most shops in the inner street sells consumer electronics
such as mobile phone, dvd players. There're some restaurants
too. There's few shops that sells other products such
as tripod and professional photography equipments
which is 3 to 4 times cheaper than imported products.
3. Kwelin Street
There are several shops that sell cheap toys and second
hand stuffs which could be our main ingredient for
making some fun stuffs.

Different shops for different goods

Electronics components
Welfare electronics component limited 華輝無線電行有限公司
Address: G/F & 1/F, Ming Chu Building,  201, Apliu Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Wo Hing Radio Co. 和興無線電行

A more comprehensive list below (from a post [link])
地點 : (A)鴨寮街190號街檔
適用貨品 : 各種電容, 電阻, LED等電子零件.

地點 : (B)鴨寮街195-201號舖
網址 : http://www.wecl.com.hk/ AND http://www.sinobright.com/
適用貨品 : 各類型電子零件, 器材.

地點 : (C)鴨寮街246號舖
適用貨品 : 二手電腦配件, 各類電腦插頭, 少量電容及磁環等.

地點 : (D)桂林街123號舖
適用貨品 : 各類型電子零件, 器材, 價錢較平

地點 : (R) 鴨寮街, 近南昌街口 鐵皮檔
適用貨品 : 各種電容, 電阻, LED等電子零件, 逐粒逐粒執 5% 1/4W, 唔使買 1%咁貴

地點 : (S) 鴨寮街 147 號 1 樓
適用貨品 : 好多你找不到的"古董"零件/儀器

[CACHE 科技電腦]
網址 : http://www.cache.com.hk/
地點 : (T) Shop 29, 黃金上半層
適用貨品 : gLCD, cLCD, 8031, Z80, Single Board Computer, 編程器, adapter....

地點 : (U) 鴨寮街 174 號
適用貨品 : IC, CPU, Kitsrus 套件

地點 : (V) 新高登地下
適用貨品 : cLCD, gLCD, Single Board Computer, 電子叢書, Remote...

地點 : 九龍旺角通菜街2A-2P鴻光商場1樓 近登打士街
適用貨品 : 有幾間大的電子零件鋪.....

網址 : http://www.wohingradio.com.hk/
旺角店 : 九龍旺角通菜街2A-2P鴻光商場1樓22 號 ( 地下鐵旺角站E2 出口 )
官塘店 : 九龍官塘官塘道436-446號官塘工業中心第四期地庫A 室 ( 地下鐵官塘站D4 出口 )
灣仔店 : 香港謝斐道146 號地下 ( 地下鐵灣仔站A1出口 )
中環店 : 香港中環眧隆街3號余道生行地下 ( 地下鐵中環站D2 出口 )
葵涌店 : 新界葵富路7~11號葵涌廣場1樓B23A*新都會廣場側 ( 地下鐵葵芳站D 出口 )
適用貨品 : 各類型電子零件, 器材, 逐粒逐粒執 5% 1/4W, 唔使買 1%咁貴
★★★ 深水埗桂林街123號舖 (近鴨寮街) 和興 =/= 和興 Radio Company Ltd ★★★

[RS Components Limited]
網址 : http://www.rshongkong.com/
地點 : 香港新界葵涌大連排道200號偉倫中心第二期第一座3樓
適用貨品 : 乜都有, 鴨寮街&鴻光商場無既佢都有, 但較市價貴, 有送貨.

網址 : http://hk.farnell.com/
地點 : 13/F, Benson Tower, 74 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
適用貨品 : 乜都有, ASIC都有, 比 RS High-Tech(nology)


Things to bring on week 7 (2009-02-24/27)

Things to bring
-Everything you used in the last few lessons (e.g. breadboard, 9V battery..etc)

-555 beat box
-final project idea presentation

We are going to build a beatbox base on a timer chip (555 timer).
The schematics could be found here [link].

You are also required to prepare for the idea/concept of the final project before you present the final project proposal in week 8 (1st week in march). Please feel free to send me an email (yiublin[at]cityu.edu.hk)

Some hints for you on the final project
-Some DIY kits with varies function (www.kitsrus.com)

And be creative, think of something about electronics and you want to do, we can start from there and work it out as a final project.


Class arrangement (2009-02-19)

1) Arrangement for Wednesday class next week (2009-02-25)
A make up class will be arranged on Tuesday (2009-02-24) evening in GPL I. Please drop me an email (yiublin[at]cityu.edu.hk) in case you have difficulties in attending the make up class.

Date: 2009-02-24
Time: 18:30-21:30
Venue: GPL I

2) New schedule for the class (Actual commencing date will be announced asap, before that the class schedule will be the same, please drop me an email (yiublin[at]cityu.edu.hk) if you have question on the arrangement)
Tuesday session
Time: 18:30 - 21:30
Venue: TV studio

Saturday session
Time: 10:30-13:30
Venue: CIL Lab

*Since the maximum class size for this course is 25, some of you may need to attend the Sat (base on a "lucky draw" method) session. I understand this is a bad news for some of you, so I really appreciate for your understanding on this arrangement. 


Things to bring on week 6 (2009/02/18, 20)

We are going to move the amplifier circuit to a circuit board.
Bring the following items
i) Milk box (Common small size fresh milk box)
ii) Everything you used in week 5
iii) LED in different colors


Things to bring in week 5

We are going to cover the following topics in the coming week
-Ohm's law and safety revisit
-Series and parallel circuits
-A.C. and D.C.
-Using multi-meter
-Introduction to electronics components
-Building circuit on breadboard
-Build an amplifier base on the following link (http://josepino.com/circuits/?mini_amplifier_lm386.jpc)

Please bring the following items for week 5
i) 0.1 uF capacitor x3
ii) 10 uF capacitor  x3
iii) 0-30 Ohm speaker module
iv) 9V battery 
v) breadboard
vi) ipod/iphone/radio/walkman?! Anything with a 3.5mm headphone adaptor+ able to output music

Week 2 Introduction to electricity

Introduction to electricity and electronics

Safety Precautions
● Inform your teacher or school staff immediately when you become aware of a safety hazard
● Always inform your teacher when you're injured in the shop
● Do not underestimate the potential danger of a 220V circuit
● Do not work on a live circuit unless ABSOULTELY NECESSARY and under supervision of tutor/lecturer.
● Stand on dry, non-conductive surfaces when working on live circuits.
● Never bypass an electrical protective device unless there's proper instruction and supervision
● If you have a hot soldering iron on your bench, arrange your work so that you never have to reach over it.
● Keep your work area clean
● Always wear safety glasses/goggles when you are operating any kind of power tool or when soldering.
● Know where the fire extinguisher is and know how to use it.
● Never take a shock on purpose.
● Do not open or close any main switch without permission of teacher, unless there's emergency
● Do not turn on the power if you're not sure if the circuit is properly connected.
● Make sure all electrical connections are secure before applying a voltage
● Always use properly grounded tools, User only those tools with three pronged plugs or double insulated tools with two pronged plugs
● Keep your hands dry when working on electronics
● Do not eat/drink while soldering, some solder/circuit board contains lead which is poisonous, you may not die instantly but you become STUPID
● Voltage above 30V is considered dangerous
● Any current flow above 0.005A/5mA is considered dangerous
● A common 1.5V dry cell could output as much as 2.5A
● Conclusion: you can kill yourself with a dry cell! (Under optimal conditions)
● Darwin awards: http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1999-50.html

Structure of matter
Matter->Molecules->Single atoms ->Sub-atomic particles

Structure of an atom
Atom consists of 2 main parts and at least 3 core sub-atomic particles
-Core: dense central part made up of neurons (neutral) and protons (positively charged)
-Orbital parts: Made up of electrons (negatively charged) that orbit around the core on different energy levels (shells)

Charge and electrons
Atoms that gain extra electron(s) will be negatively charged.
Atoms that lose electron(s) will be positively charged.
And that’s how the + and - signs that often appears in circuit comes from.
Atoms with charges are called IONS

Definition for "electricity"
Electricity is defined as the flow of electrons

Conductor and insulator
Common conductor: Gold, silver, copper, zinc, brass, platinum, tin, lead, tungsten...
The atomic structure of metals allow electrons to flow freely, thus they are good conductor for electricity.

Static electricity- electrical charge in static
Testing for static charge using Aluminum Leaf Electroscope

Current electricity- electrical charge in motion

Electric circuit
Electric circuit works in the similar way as cycles appear in nature (e.g. water cycle, carbon cycle...etc)

Fruit power
Connect few juicy fruit together with copper wire and galvanize nails, it can generate enough electricity to light up an LED.
What actually generated electricity in the fruit circuit?
Since copper and zinc (from the galvanized nails) have different tendency for losing electrons, it creates a potential differences for electrons to flow to a unified direction, the acidic environment provided by the fruit facilitate such ion/electrons movement, generate a weak electricity which is strong enough to light up the LED

Current (I)
The rate of flow of electrons through a conductor is called current (identified using symbol I). The unit for current is amperes (A). One ampere is a coulomb of charge pasting a given point in a second.
Consider current as the volume of water passing though a section of water pipe at specific time

Voltage (V)
Voltage is the difference of potential energey that forces electrons to flow in a circuit. The unit for voltage is volts (V).
Consider voltage as the speed of water flowing through the water pipe

Resistance (R)
Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electrons. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω).
Consider resistance as the friction/blocking of dirts in a water pipe

The relationship between voltage, current and resistance are describe by the famous Ohm's law

Power and energy
In everyday language, power and energy are usually use in the similar way.
In fact they are two different concepts.

Power (P)
Power refers to the amount of energy convert from one form to another in a certain period of time.
In terms of electricity, it means the amount of electrical energy being converted to other forms of energy such as sound, heat or kinetic energy.

Energy (E)
When measuring energy, we use the unit “Joules”. It equals to the work done by a force of one newton traveling through a distance of one meter
What kind of movement are we measuring when we talk about electricity then?
E is the energy in joules
V is the voltage in volts
I is the current in amperes
t is the time in seconds

Current flow and electron flow
The direction of electron flow and current flow are opposite to each other
Current flows from the positive pole to the negative pole, you can consider this as the motion of ions.
Direction of electron flow is from the negative pole to positive pole.
Current flow from positive pole to negative pole, while electrons flow from negative to positive flow (remember electrons are negatively charged, thus they are attracted by the positive pole)

Week 2 Introduction to electricity

Introduction to electricity and electronics

Safety Precautions
● Inform your teacher or school staff immediately when you become aware of a safety hazard
● Always inform your teacher when you're injured in the shop
● Do not underestimate the potential danger of a 220V circuit
● Do not work on a live circuit unless ABSOULTELY NECESSARY and under supervision of tutor/lecturer.
● Stand on dry, non-conductive surfaces when working on live circuits.
● Never bypass an electrical protective device unless there's proper instruction and supervision
● If you have a hot soldering iron on your bench, arrange your work so that you never have to reach over it.
● Keep your work area clean
● Always wear safety glasses/goggles when you are operating any kind of power tool or when soldering.
● Know where the fire extinguisher is and know how to use it.
● Never take a shock on purpose.
● Do not open or close any main switch without permission of teacher, unless there's emergency
● Do not turn on the power if you're not sure if the circuit is properly connected.
● Make sure all electrical connections are secure before applying a voltage
● Always use properly grounded tools, User only those tools with three pronged plugs or double insulated tools with two pronged plugs
● Keep your hands dry when working on electronics
● Do not eat/drink while soldering, some solder/circuit board contains lead which is poisonous, you may not die instantly but you become STUPID
● Voltage above 30V is considered dangerous
● Any current flow above 0.005A/5mA is considered dangerous
● A common 1.5V dry cell could output as much as 2.5A
● Conclusion: you can kill yourself with a dry cell! (Under optimal conditions)
● Darwin awards: http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1999-50.html

Structure of matter
Matter->Molecules->Single atoms ->Sub-atomic particles

Structure of an atom
Atom consists of 2 main parts and at least 3 core sub-atomic particles
-Core: dense central part made up of neurons (neutral) and protons (positively charged)
-Orbital parts: Made up of electrons (negatively charged) that orbit around the core on different energy levels (shells)

Charge and electrons
Atoms that gain extra electron(s) will be negatively charged.
Atoms that lose electron(s) will be positively charged.
And that’s how the + and - signs that often appears in circuit comes from.
Atoms with charges are called IONS

Definition for "electricity"
Electricity is defined as the flow of electrons

Conductor and insulator
Common conductor: Gold, silver, copper, zinc, brass, platinum, tin, lead, tungsten...
The atomic structure of metals allow electrons to flow freely, thus they are good conductor for electricity.

Static electricity- electrical charge in static
Testing for static charge using Aluminum Leaf Electroscope

Current electricity- electrical charge in motion

Electric circuit
Electric circuit works in the similar way as cycles appear in nature (e.g. water cycle, carbon cycle...etc)

Fruit power
Connect few juicy fruit together with copper wire and galvanize nails, it can generate enough electricity to light up an LED.
What actually generated electricity in the fruit circuit?
Since copper and zinc (from the galvanized nails) have different tendency for losing electrons, it creates a potential differences for electrons to flow to a unified direction, the acidic environment provided by the fruit facilitate such ion/electrons movement, generate a weak electricity which is strong enough to light up the LED

Current (I)
The rate of flow of electrons through a conductor is called current (identified using symbol I). The unit for current is amperes (A). One ampere is a coulomb of charge pasting a given point in a second.
Consider current as the volume of water passing though a section of water pipe at specific time

Voltage (V)
Voltage is the difference of potential energey that forces electrons to flow in a circuit. The unit for voltage is volts (V).
Consider voltage as the speed of water flowing through the water pipe

Resistance (R)
Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electrons. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω).
Consider resistance as the friction/blocking of dirts in a water pipe

The relationship between voltage, current and resistance are describe by the famous Ohm's law

Power and energy
In everyday language, power and energy are usually use in the similar way.
In fact they are two different concepts.

Power (P)
Power refers to the amount of energy convert from one form to another in a certain period of time.
In terms of electricity, it means the amount of electrical energy being converted to other forms of energy such as sound, heat or kinetic energy.

Energy (E)
When measuring energy, we use the unit “Joules”. It equals to the work done by a force of one newton traveling through a distance of one meter
What kind of movement are we measuring when we talk about electricity then?
E is the energy in joules
V is the voltage in volts
I is the current in amperes
t is the time in seconds

Current flow and electron flow
The direction of electron flow and current flow are opposite to each other
Current flows from the positive pole to the negative pole, you can consider this as the motion of ions.
Direction of electron flow is from the negative pole to positive pole.
Current flow from positive pole to negative pole, while electrons flow from negative to positive flow (remember electrons are negatively charged, thus they are attracted by the positive pole)


Week 4 (2008/09)

Class date: 2009-02-04, 06
Content: Site visit to Ap Liu Street and Reclamation Street

Wednesday class
2008-02-04, 13:30@Sham Shui Po MTR station C2 exit underground

Friday class
2008-02-06, 12:30@Sham Shui Po MTR station C2 exit underground


Things to bring in week 2

For week 2, please bring the following items to the class.
i) Toy(s)/object(s) that you will classify/tag it with "creative AND electronics", "creative BUT electronics", "electronics BUT creative"
ii) A fruit (a rotten one will do, don't bring something expensive like those cubic water melon..., except you don't mind sharing it with your classmates)

Week 1- course overview

Week 1 recap

-Course introduction (You can find the reference here)
-Weekly schedule (Please refer to this post)
-Grouping (3 persons per group)
-Introduction to toolbox

*There will be a recap like this every week after the lesson, you can track down what was being mentioned in the class. If you couldn't find the things I mentioned in the class in the recap, and you are interest to know where you could find it, send me an email and I will add it to the related recap post.

SM2258 References (2008/09)

Physical Computing, Dan O'Sullivan and Tom Igoe., 2004 (ebook available)
Practical Electronics for Inventors, Paul Scherz, McGrawHill, 2000 (ebook available , quite a lot of flaws and errors)
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Charles K.Alexander & Matthew N.O. Sadiku, McGrawHill, 2002
Electronic Gadgets, Bob Iannini, McGrawHill, 2004
電子電路控制 (ISBN: 9789579496148) 
圖解簡明電學理論 (ISBN: 9789578179264)

Electronics Tutorial: http://www.electronics-tutorials.com
Welfare Electronics Componet Ltd.: http://www.wecl.com.hk
Kitrus.com: http://kitsrus.com/
Makezine: http://www.makezine.com
Hackaday: www.hackaday.com


Weekly s chedule (2008/09 SemB)

Last update: 2009-03-01
Week 1 (14/01/2009, 16/01/2009)
Course Overview
-A brief history of electronics in arts
-Electricity and safety
-Equipments check

Week 2 (21/01/2009, 23/01/2009)

Introduction to electricity and electronics
-What is electricity?
-Voltage, Current and resistance.
-Electromotive Force
-Ohms Law
-Potential divider
-Electro-magnetic force
-Conductor and insulator

#Short quiz

Week 3 (*28/01/2009, 30/01/2009)
*CNY holiday, NO CLASS

Week 4 (04/02/2009, 06/02/2009)

-Site visit to Ap Liu Street & reclamation street + buying stuffs for next week

#Site visit worksheet

Week 5 (11/02/2009, 13/02/2009)
-Electricity and safety revisit
-Electricity revisit (V, I, R, what are they?)
-D.C. and A.C.
-About LED
-Using multi-meter
-Reading circuit

"Make a little something"
-Making your first circuit- Let there be light~
-Using breadboard for prototyping

#LDR + LED + battery cap

Week 6 (18/02/2009, 20/02/2009)
-Basic Electronics Components
-Transfer your led circuit to a schematic
-Transfer a schematic to physical circuit (Make a little something)

"Make a little something"

#Colorful LED eggo.

Bring a Gashapon and other electronics components, detail will be released later

Milkbox amplfier (updated on 2009-02-17)

//=========Schedule for the following weeks are tentative==========//
Week 7 (*25/02/2009, 27/02/2009) *Class cancellation, rearrangement of class (T.B.C.)
Make up class detail
Date: 2009-02-24
Time: 18:30-21:30
Venue: GPL I
*Please drop me an email (yiublin[at]cityu.edu.hk) if you have difficulty in attending the make up class
"Make a little something"
Using a soldering iron
#Your own microphone
#Your own little beatbox, 555 timer

Week 8 (04/03/2009, 06/03/2009)
-Final project proposal presentation + brainstorming
-Transistor and relay

"Make a little something"
Building a relay circuit for controlling BIG things

Tuesday 18:30-21:30@CIL Lab
Sat 10:30-13:30 @ CIL lab
Week 9 (10/03/2009, 14/03/2009)
Introduction to micro-controller

"Make a little something"
Control a home appliance with computer.

Week 10 (17/03/2009, 21/03/2009)
Individual consultation for final project

Week 11 (24/03/2009, Sat class consolidate to Tuesday)
28/03/2009 class cancelled
Individual consultation for final project, optional

Week 12 (Tuesday & Sat. class cancelled, 04/04/2009)

Week 13 (07/04/2009, Sat class consolidate to Tuesday)
Individual consultation for final project, optional

Week 14 (14/04/2009, 18/04/2009)
Individual consultation for final project, optional
Final project presentation + project report submission deadlineMove to week 15

Week 15 (25/04/2009)
Final project presentation + project report submission deadline Postponed to week 16

Week 16 (27, 28, 29/04/2009)
Final project presentation + project report submission deadline