Week 4 recap- Site visit to Ap Liu Street
We had a site visit to Ap Liu Street to familiarize the place where you can find almost anything you might need for the final project.
The classwork for this week is the site visit worksheet, if you haven't done it/hand it in, drop me an email, else your final grade will be affected.

Ap Liu Street is one of the most popular street for electronics
lover and hobbyist. You can buy high tech expensive
electronics and cheap, hackable and unexpected second
hand things in the same street. Despite of the unorganized
impression, stores are located in different part of the street
depends on their location. In this visit we will be taking a
walk in the street and hopefully buy some interesting stuff
for further hacking.
1.The main street (open air area)
Both side of the main street are filled up with numerous
open air shops, they sells product range from mobile phone
cover to LEDs to toys... a lots of electronics... However it is
not always cheaper to buy things in these shops, and most
likely they don't have some very particular electronics
product for our projects.
2. The inner streets
Most shops in the inner street sells consumer electronics
such as mobile phone, dvd players. There're some restaurants
too. There's few shops that sells other products such
as tripod and professional photography equipments
which is 3 to 4 times cheaper than imported products.
3. Kwelin Street
There are several shops that sell cheap toys and second
hand stuffs which could be our main ingredient for
making some fun stuffs.
Different shops for different goods
Electronics components
Welfare electronics component limited 華輝無線電行有限公司
Address: G/F & 1/F, Ming Chu Building, 201, Apliu Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Wo Hing Radio Co. 和興無線電行
A more comprehensive list below (from a post [
地點 : (A)鴨寮街190號街檔
適用貨品 : 各種電容, 電阻, LED等電子零件.
地點 : (B)鴨寮街195-201號舖
網址 : http://www.wecl.com.hk/ AND http://www.sinobright.com/
適用貨品 : 各類型電子零件, 器材.
地點 : (C)鴨寮街246號舖
適用貨品 : 二手電腦配件, 各類電腦插頭, 少量電容及磁環等.
地點 : (D)桂林街123號舖
適用貨品 : 各類型電子零件, 器材, 價錢較平
地點 : (R) 鴨寮街, 近南昌街口 鐵皮檔
適用貨品 : 各種電容, 電阻, LED等電子零件, 逐粒逐粒執 5% 1/4W, 唔使買 1%咁貴
地點 : (S) 鴨寮街 147 號 1 樓
適用貨品 : 好多你找不到的"古董"零件/儀器
[CACHE 科技電腦]
網址 : http://www.cache.com.hk/
地點 : (T) Shop 29, 黃金上半層
適用貨品 : gLCD, cLCD, 8031, Z80, Single Board Computer, 編程器, adapter....
地點 : (U) 鴨寮街 174 號
適用貨品 : IC, CPU, Kitsrus 套件
地點 : (V) 新高登地下
適用貨品 : cLCD, gLCD, Single Board Computer, 電子叢書, Remote...
地點 : 九龍旺角通菜街2A-2P鴻光商場1樓 近登打士街
適用貨品 : 有幾間大的電子零件鋪.....
網址 : http://www.wohingradio.com.hk/
旺角店 : 九龍旺角通菜街2A-2P鴻光商場1樓22 號 ( 地下鐵旺角站E2 出口 )
官塘店 : 九龍官塘官塘道436-446號官塘工業中心第四期地庫A 室 ( 地下鐵官塘站D4 出口 )
灣仔店 : 香港謝斐道146 號地下 ( 地下鐵灣仔站A1出口 )
中環店 : 香港中環眧隆街3號余道生行地下 ( 地下鐵中環站D2 出口 )
葵涌店 : 新界葵富路7~11號葵涌廣場1樓B23A*新都會廣場側 ( 地下鐵葵芳站D 出口 )
適用貨品 : 各類型電子零件, 器材, 逐粒逐粒執 5% 1/4W, 唔使買 1%咁貴
★★★ 深水埗桂林街123號舖 (近鴨寮街) 和興 =/= 和興 Radio Company Ltd ★★★
[RS Components Limited]
網址 : http://www.rshongkong.com/
地點 : 香港新界葵涌大連排道200號偉倫中心第二期第一座3樓
適用貨品 : 乜都有, 鴨寮街&鴻光商場無既佢都有, 但較市價貴, 有送貨.
網址 : http://hk.farnell.com/
地點 : 13/F, Benson Tower, 74 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
適用貨品 : 乜都有, ASIC都有, 比 RS High-Tech(nology)