
Week 9 (2009/03/10, 14)

Implementation of new schedule!
Tuesday session: 18:30-21:30 @ CIL lab
Sat. session: 10:30-13:30 @ CIL lab
Please bring everything you were asked to buy in the last week.

We are going to finish the relay building and hopefully start the class for arduino.

Reference for relay


Blog submission

Please submit your own blog address through the following link.

Blog submission

Please submit your own blog address through the following link.



Things to bring on week 8 (2009-03-04/06)

Things to bring on week 8 (2009-03-04/06)
We are going to build a relay module to control in the coming week, please prepare the following components.

-13/15A electrical wire (2 yards, around 2m)
-13A socket
-9V battery clip
-9V battery
-Standard junction box with socket plate
-9V relay (Should cost less than $10)
-General purpose circuit board
-Push button/switch